Well,Well,Well.....Had to say I told you so. But here we have another innocent man who was hung out to dry and accused of being a terrorist when in reality he was an innocent man.
His only crime? Being dark skinned and having the name Mohamed.
I refer to Mohamed Haneef , a 27 year old Indian born doctor who was working in the Gold Coast in Australia. After the foiled terrorist plot in London and the attempted suicide carbombing of Glasgow airport, supposedley Mohamed Haneefs cell phone SIM card was found at the apartment of one of the brothers of the British terror suspects. British authorities quickly alerted their counterparts in Australia and Haneef was promptly arrested.
But it turns out, the authorities got it all wrong. Dr. Haneef was NOT a terrorist, he was a happily married man who was persuing his profession in Australia and was scapegoated because of his name and skin color.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Manufacturing vs. Agriculture
I am from Weston Ohio which is a small mostly farming community in rural NW Ohio. Agriculture plays a big part in the lives of many of the families who call the region home. But just a 15 minute drive into the nearby city of Bowling Green(pop 30,000) and you will find many large factories. Many large multinational corporations have manufacturing plants located throughout the greater BG area. Many of my friends from high school started working at these factories straight out of school and are still there. Most earn a very impressive wage.
I guess the point of the whole post is how this same type of relationship has worked in so many areas throughout the USA particulary the Midwest where these 2 types of industries co-exist side by side. Oft the line is blurred by what is more important to our economy. The USA is the largest grain exporter in the world. The USA also has a strong tradition of a working class who made the cars,trains,buildings,homes,roads,appliance,tools,steel,glass, and countless other things that are copied the world over.
So always remember the American factory workers and farmers who contribute enormously to the well being and pride of our country.
I guess the point of the whole post is how this same type of relationship has worked in so many areas throughout the USA particulary the Midwest where these 2 types of industries co-exist side by side. Oft the line is blurred by what is more important to our economy. The USA is the largest grain exporter in the world. The USA also has a strong tradition of a working class who made the cars,trains,buildings,homes,roads,appliance,tools,steel,glass, and countless other things that are copied the world over.
So always remember the American factory workers and farmers who contribute enormously to the well being and pride of our country.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Being bald is okay.
How many times have we seen them? 3am and burning the midnight oil and we all have flicked through the countless infomercials on television advertising and touting the new cure or solution to hair loss. Whether it be the magical hair brush that stimulates your hair folicles to regenerate or the shampoo and cream that when applied, will magically create new and flowing locks to make Rapunzel jealous. For years I have found these ads to be quite entertaining. Especially the "before" and "after" shots.
You've got 1 man, call him Peter. Peter is introduced and a birds eye view camera shot "before" picture is posted in the right hand corner of the screen showing a bald spot on the crown and a receding hairline on Peters head. Peter then starts to recite an obviously pre written monologue about how his life started to go downhill when he started loosing his hair. His wife didnt want to be with him sexually, he got teased by coworkers. His self esteem went out the window and he became a recluse and withdrew from friends because he was so embarrased about his hair loss.
In come the miracle cure!! Lets call it Miracle Grow. New "after" picture from the same point of view is plastered in the top right hand corner of the screen right next to the "before" picture. It is quite obvious that the picture has been photoshopped quite badly by some producers assistant. Not only does this head not belong to Peter but the before and after pics look virtually the same. Except for the dark mass of "hair" now filling the bald spot on the crown.
Peter is now a changed man!! Happy and laughing and enjoying himself, he is shown waterskiing, playing beach volleyball, diving into a swimming pool and resurfacing with a twirl of the head to shove off his newly "regrown" hair.
I realize how misleading and damaging these ads have been to millions of men. Having no hair has long been unfairly associated with unhappiness and despair. Hair Club for Men have butchered countless poor souls who were tricked into believing that if you dont have hair then your life is going to really suck and your wife wont to have sex with you anymore. Their procedures involve punching holes in the scalp and twisting in clumps of hair to reverse the look of a receding hairline. Have a read here to read about a few of the worst kind of stories from hair transplants. They make millions of dollars insecurities men have about hair loss.
I've got one thing to say to everyone out there.
This is what I have done. And you wont know the giant weight that will be lifted off your shoulders. The feelings of freedom that you will feel after getting rid of hair and all the hassle and problems it causes will be truly liberating. Here is a little secret, Women like bald guys! Ask my wife. And the countless other women who love rubbing a smooth bald head.
What I am trying to say is that I was misled into believing that being bald was the end of your life. In poured all the companies looking to make a big buck off insecurities and trying to convince me that being bald would be the end of it all. I have been bald by choice for nearly 1 year and it has been wonderful. A truly addictive feeling.
Sly Bald Guys is a website and forum community dedicated those who enjoy being bald and refuse to believe that not having hair spells El Final. In fact it is just the Beginning.
Shine on Brothers!!!
You've got 1 man, call him Peter. Peter is introduced and a birds eye view camera shot "before" picture is posted in the right hand corner of the screen showing a bald spot on the crown and a receding hairline on Peters head. Peter then starts to recite an obviously pre written monologue about how his life started to go downhill when he started loosing his hair. His wife didnt want to be with him sexually, he got teased by coworkers. His self esteem went out the window and he became a recluse and withdrew from friends because he was so embarrased about his hair loss.
In come the miracle cure!! Lets call it Miracle Grow. New "after" picture from the same point of view is plastered in the top right hand corner of the screen right next to the "before" picture. It is quite obvious that the picture has been photoshopped quite badly by some producers assistant. Not only does this head not belong to Peter but the before and after pics look virtually the same. Except for the dark mass of "hair" now filling the bald spot on the crown.
Peter is now a changed man!! Happy and laughing and enjoying himself, he is shown waterskiing, playing beach volleyball, diving into a swimming pool and resurfacing with a twirl of the head to shove off his newly "regrown" hair.
I realize how misleading and damaging these ads have been to millions of men. Having no hair has long been unfairly associated with unhappiness and despair. Hair Club for Men have butchered countless poor souls who were tricked into believing that if you dont have hair then your life is going to really suck and your wife wont to have sex with you anymore. Their procedures involve punching holes in the scalp and twisting in clumps of hair to reverse the look of a receding hairline. Have a read here to read about a few of the worst kind of stories from hair transplants. They make millions of dollars insecurities men have about hair loss.
I've got one thing to say to everyone out there.
This is what I have done. And you wont know the giant weight that will be lifted off your shoulders. The feelings of freedom that you will feel after getting rid of hair and all the hassle and problems it causes will be truly liberating. Here is a little secret, Women like bald guys! Ask my wife. And the countless other women who love rubbing a smooth bald head.
What I am trying to say is that I was misled into believing that being bald was the end of your life. In poured all the companies looking to make a big buck off insecurities and trying to convince me that being bald would be the end of it all. I have been bald by choice for nearly 1 year and it has been wonderful. A truly addictive feeling.
Sly Bald Guys is a website and forum community dedicated those who enjoy being bald and refuse to believe that not having hair spells El Final. In fact it is just the Beginning.
Shine on Brothers!!!
Death awaits this man.
This is Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas
I hate this man. I know the Bible tells us not to hate anyone. Forgiveness is one of the tenents of the Christian faith which Rev. Phelps claims to be a part of. See below for some his followers who were at a funeral for a soldier killed in Iraq.
Fred Phelps is a doomsayer and a very dangerous and evil man. On his website, they actually post the funerals of patriots, our soldiers who gave their lives for this country, to encourage their rabid flock to hurl eggs at the hearse, spit on the family and friends mourning the loss of a loved one.
Words fail me.
The First
After recently discovering my cousin Luke has his own blog and since I've always been one to talk and chat about things I decided to start my own blog.
I am a liberal conservative leaning towards the conservative side.
I thought my very first post would be about a heinous evil monster called Patrick Power.
Patrick Power was Deputy Senior Crown Prosecutor in the state of New South Wales here in Australia. He was the 2nd most powerful prosecutor in the entire state. He had successfully put rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and pedophiles behind bars for a very long time. He ran in the high circles of the law profession and was one of the most respected men in the entire Australian legal system having earned his PhD in comparative restorative justice practice.
After arriving back from a vacation in Thailand, he found he was encountering some trouble with his laptop computer and took it in to get checked by a technician in the Deputy of Public Prosecutions office. On his computer they found thousands of pornographic images. The most disturbing being one of a 10 year old boy being sexually abused. Further digging revealed some 500 of the most degrading inhumane types of child abuse. Some even showing physical pain and torture/beastility. All were neatly categorized in files.
What is even more shocking is his punishment for his unspeakable crime. A mere slap on the wrist.
In countries like Serbia and Greece, the police are always about 5 minutes too late when responding to a call about an angry mob dragging a pedophile from his house. They usually arrive in time to see his blood pooling in the middle of the street.
Only a shame such a fate didnt befall Patrick Power. But 6 months in the joint and he may not walk out, he may be wheeled out.
I hope for the latter
I am a liberal conservative leaning towards the conservative side.
I thought my very first post would be about a heinous evil monster called Patrick Power.
Patrick Power was Deputy Senior Crown Prosecutor in the state of New South Wales here in Australia. He was the 2nd most powerful prosecutor in the entire state. He had successfully put rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and pedophiles behind bars for a very long time. He ran in the high circles of the law profession and was one of the most respected men in the entire Australian legal system having earned his PhD in comparative restorative justice practice.
After arriving back from a vacation in Thailand, he found he was encountering some trouble with his laptop computer and took it in to get checked by a technician in the Deputy of Public Prosecutions office. On his computer they found thousands of pornographic images. The most disturbing being one of a 10 year old boy being sexually abused. Further digging revealed some 500 of the most degrading inhumane types of child abuse. Some even showing physical pain and torture/beastility. All were neatly categorized in files.
What is even more shocking is his punishment for his unspeakable crime. A mere slap on the wrist.
In countries like Serbia and Greece, the police are always about 5 minutes too late when responding to a call about an angry mob dragging a pedophile from his house. They usually arrive in time to see his blood pooling in the middle of the street.
Only a shame such a fate didnt befall Patrick Power. But 6 months in the joint and he may not walk out, he may be wheeled out.
I hope for the latter
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