Monday, July 23, 2007

Being bald is okay.

How many times have we seen them? 3am and burning the midnight oil and we all have flicked through the countless infomercials on television advertising and touting the new cure or solution to hair loss. Whether it be the magical hair brush that stimulates your hair folicles to regenerate or the shampoo and cream that when applied, will magically create new and flowing locks to make Rapunzel jealous. For years I have found these ads to be quite entertaining. Especially the "before" and "after" shots.

You've got 1 man, call him Peter. Peter is introduced and a birds eye view camera shot "before" picture is posted in the right hand corner of the screen showing a bald spot on the crown and a receding hairline on Peters head. Peter then starts to recite an obviously pre written monologue about how his life started to go downhill when he started loosing his hair. His wife didnt want to be with him sexually, he got teased by coworkers. His self esteem went out the window and he became a recluse and withdrew from friends because he was so embarrased about his hair loss.

In come the miracle cure!! Lets call it Miracle Grow. New "after" picture from the same point of view is plastered in the top right hand corner of the screen right next to the "before" picture. It is quite obvious that the picture has been photoshopped quite badly by some producers assistant. Not only does this head not belong to Peter but the before and after pics look virtually the same. Except for the dark mass of "hair" now filling the bald spot on the crown.

Peter is now a changed man!! Happy and laughing and enjoying himself, he is shown waterskiing, playing beach volleyball, diving into a swimming pool and resurfacing with a twirl of the head to shove off his newly "regrown" hair.

I realize how misleading and damaging these ads have been to millions of men. Having no hair has long been unfairly associated with unhappiness and despair. Hair Club for Men have butchered countless poor souls who were tricked into believing that if you dont have hair then your life is going to really suck and your wife wont to have sex with you anymore. Their procedures involve punching holes in the scalp and twisting in clumps of hair to reverse the look of a receding hairline. Have a read here to read about a few of the worst kind of stories from hair transplants. They make millions of dollars insecurities men have about hair loss.

I've got one thing to say to everyone out there.


This is what I have done. And you wont know the giant weight that will be lifted off your shoulders. The feelings of freedom that you will feel after getting rid of hair and all the hassle and problems it causes will be truly liberating. Here is a little secret, Women like bald guys! Ask my wife. And the countless other women who love rubbing a smooth bald head.

What I am trying to say is that I was misled into believing that being bald was the end of your life. In poured all the companies looking to make a big buck off insecurities and trying to convince me that being bald would be the end of it all. I have been bald by choice for nearly 1 year and it has been wonderful. A truly addictive feeling.

Sly Bald Guys is a website and forum community dedicated those who enjoy being bald and refuse to believe that not having hair spells El Final. In fact it is just the Beginning.

Shine on Brothers!!!


Anonymous said...

Amen to that brother!

Victor Reynolds said...

Been shaving my head for five days now; went from full, non-thinning head to bald. And I love it!